
Rolling Out Fresh Turf

Most turf comes in rolled up lengths and are heavy to handle when soaked with rain so try to choose a couple of dry days to lay your turf (hard in rainy England!)
Mark out a straight edge with garden line as near to the boundary as possible and lay your first row of turf, butting each one as close as you can to the end of the previous one. You are bound to have small gaps, these can be filled with soil as you go but its better and easier to fill them all after the turf is layed.
Start the second row by cutting a turf to half length and lay one half against the first turf of the first row. Butt it up against the start line and  lay the rest of the second row using full turfs, butt each turf firmly up against both adjacent turfs and keep going until its all laid. Its important to alternate the full and half length turfs at the start of each row as it makes staggered turf joints and a stronger lawn.