
Painting wooden fencing

From time to time, you will find that your wooden fencing panels may require a new coat of paint.

First of all, make sure that you protect shrubs and plants that are nearby by either moving them or by covering with decorating cloths or tarpaulin or sheets of plastic. For fences which have already been painted before, clean the surface with a stiff brush before sanding. To get rid of any mould on your fence panels, scrub with a mix of bleach and water and allow to dry thoroughly.

Choose good weather for painting. Do not paint on a blazing hot day as your paint will dry quicker than you can paint! If you have a long stretch of fencing to paint, then you will probably want to use a spray. Work downwind, spraying along the grain of the wood and make sure you wear some kind of protective face mask. You will need to keep a brush handy for difficult to reach corners. For a shorter fence, use a roller for larger areas and a brush for the fiddly bits.